Professional ads to introduce the product, service and some worthwhile projects of Iranian architecture

Publishing Nodid Architecture magazine began in winter of 1393. It is a specified magazine for introducing the products and services related to architecture and interior design. Gallery Nodid Architecture Magazine Display All

The main audience of this magazine is people and companies in Tehran, whose activities are related to supplying and selling different kinds of floorings and wallpapers, indoor and outdoor lightings, glass and facade materials, toilets, home and office furniture and other services including architecture consultation, designing and building all kinds of architectural projects and installations. The audience of this magazine is chosen according to their job status, home and office location and also their background, purchasing behavior, and choice of the services.

The majority of architecture companies and well-known interior designers in Tehran, big companies and their senior managers, customers of such products and services in luxury residential and commercial complexes of Tehran and also the projects in execution are in Nodid Architecture’s database. However, our distribution network is constantly seeking the potential customers of the products and services introduced in the magazine.

5 Thousand
Each Address
10 Person Audience
Number of audience
50 Thousand Audience

commercial complexes of Tehran and also the projects in execution are in Nodid Architecture’s database. However, our distribution network is constantly seeking the potential customers of the products and services introduced in the magazine.

Nodid Architecture is distributed through Iran post company service delivery to the address of the audience.

Nodid Architecture has provided a certain stable framework for advertisement in the magazine through a team of experts and reputable architects both in selecting and introducing architectural projects and also in selecting the audience. Nodid Company has also started publishing Nodid Architecture based upon its 10-year experience of regular publishing and active and expansive distributing. Therefore, Nodid Architecture is a unique specialized media and advertising in this magazine is a secure platform for introducing your products, materials and services in the field of architecture.

Nodid architecture introduces two completed projects in each issue. These projects, one of which is residential and the other one interior design are published with the following purposes: - Introducing the winner projects of architecture contests inside and outside of Iran, selected projects in specific sections of architecture festivals and contests in Iran and outside of Iran and the finalists in authentic architecture awards of Iran and the world - Offering a kind of progressive, up-to-date, close to today's architecture standards of the world, environmentally-friendly and energy-saving architecture and also expanding a responsible attitude to architecture questions through creative ideas - Preparing a source of valuable architectural projects for employers - Helping to the formation of relationship between architects, designers, product sellers and architectural requirements and executors and observers of architectural projects with clients and employers In each issue these two projects will be published in two separate sections each 10 pages. Nodid architecture invites all architects and designers and owners of completed construction projects to cooperation. Introducing your projects which are executed with your unique insight, taste, knowledge and creative abilities enriches this magazine and most importantly promotes correct, creative and progressive architecture. Keep in touch with us.